SNAQ imports your glucose data from the Apple Health App which is a two step process:

<aside> 🖋️ 1. The first step is to ensure that your glucose data is written into the Apple Health App by the app of your CGM/BGM device. 2. The second and final step is to allow SNAQ to read the data from the Apple Health App.


1) Write your glucose data into Apple Health

In the app of your CGM/BGM device (e.g. Dexcom App) you can choose to write glucose data to Apple Health.

This permission screen can also be accessed in the Apple Health App

  1. Click the top right icon of your profile
  2. Tap on "Apps"
  3. Tap on "AppName" (e.g. Dexcom)

Guide to change the permissions of any apps reading or writing to Apple Health.

Guide to change the permissions of any apps reading or writing to Apple Health.

Dexcom ➡️ Apple Health App

If you are using Dexcom click on this link or follow these steps:

1.      Open the menu in the Dexcom CGM app.

2.      Tap Settings, then Health.

3.      Tap Enable to share.

4.      Tap the Blood Glucose switch on the Health Access screen.

  1.  Tap Done.

Please note that for regulatory reasons Dexcom shares CGM data a 3h delay.

Other Apps ➡️ Apple Health App:

Links: mySugr, OneDrop, Onetouch, Sugarmate, Contour Next, Eversense (page 147)